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A-to-Z: Be the Best You Can Be!

One of the great joys of being in my business is that I get to do research everywhere— while visiting at a client’s office, traveling on the road, surfing the internet or even simply reading the Sunday newspaper.

And I once discovered a gem in Abigail Van Buren’s column “Dear Abby” in the Chicago Tribune. It was called, “To Achieve Your Dreams, Remember Your ABCs” by Wanda Hope Carter. It features an A-to-Z listing of simple thoughts to pursue your dreams.

And it inspired me in April 2018, to create a new A-to-Z listing of motivational messages — to help you achieve happiness, success and results in your business and life. Here’s my A-to-Z, Be the Best You Can Be:

Attitude and action, drive your results.

Belief and behavior are a powerful combination.

Confidence helps pave your path to prosperity.

Defeat is part of life. Learn from it.

Enthusiasm creates opportunity and results.

Focus on your goals and priorities. Avoid distractions.

Go for it!

Hope may not be a strategy, but it’s sure a meaningful motivator.

I did!”—is far better than, “I’ll try.”

Jump at the opportunity to help, to volunteer, to say, “I can do that!”

Knowledge creates growth. But remember, it isn’t what you know, it’s what you do, with what you know.

Love and laugh. Often!

Money matters. It gives you choice, freedom and flexibility.

Navigate life’s journey, through the successes and the setbacks. It’ll make you stronger.

Opportunity is always knocking. Be ready to answer.

Persistence and positivity are often the difference between winning and losing.

Quick isn’t always the best solution. Patience pays.

Respect others. Be kind, courteous and gracious.

Success and happiness are yours to pursue and achieve. Make it happen!

Truth is your friend. It doesn’t require a good memory.

Unique is who you are. Embrace it. Share it!

Value your self-worth. If you don’t, nobody else will.

Words matter. They can help or hurt. Choose wisely.

Xamine where you’re at. Where you’d like to be. And how you want to get there.

You make a difference. Expect great things in your future.

Z isn’t the end. It’s a fresh start. Be the best you can be, living A-to-Z!


© Blackman & Associates, LLC

(The preceding is an excerpt from the new 5th edition of Jeff’s bestselling book, “Peak Your Profits.” It’s scheduled for a summer release and will be available on Amazon and at your favorite bookstore.)


About Jeff Blackman

Jeff Blackman is a Hall of Fame speaker, author, success coach, broadcaster and lawyer. His clients call him a “business-growth specialist.” If you hire speakers, please contact Jeff at: 847-998-0688 or Visit to learn more about his other business-growth tools and to subscribe to Jeff’s FREE e-letter, The Results Report.  Jeff’s books include; Stop Whining! Start Selling!, (an Amazon Bestseller) and the soon-to-be released 5th edition, of the bestselling Peak Your Profits. You can also stay connected with Jeff via Facebook, LinkedIn and Twitter: @BlackmanResults

Jeff Blackman

Jeff Blackman is a Hall of Fame speaker, author, success coach, broadcaster and lawyer. His clients call him a “business-growth specialist.” If you hire speakers, for in-person or virtual programs, please contact Jeff at: 847.998.0688 or And visit to learn more about his other business-growth tools and to subscribe to Jeff’s FREE e-letter, The Results Report. Jeff’s books include Amazon bestsellers Stop Whining! Start Selling! and the new, upgraded 5th edition of Peak Your Profits. You can also stay connected with Jeff via LinkedIn, Twitter and Facebook.