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The Group Travel Leader Going on Faith Select Traveler

Survey examines the Gen Y business traveler

To understand the growing group of business travelers under 30, Expedia recently released a report surveying the traveling habits of more than 8,5000 people.

Conduced by Harris Interactive, the survey found that millennial business travelers were about 60 percent more likely to spend their companies’ money liberally on expensive meals than older business travelers. About 75 percent of responding Gen Y business travelers said they were more likely than the older group to put room service on their companies’ tabs.

Younger American travelers also reported being 25 percent more likely to extend their business traveler into personal vacations. Another not surprising result from the study concluded that millennial travelers depend more on mobile technology, are more likely to expect real-time information and use a shorter booking window.

The survey also found that American travelers under the age of 34 were almost twice as likely to post a negative review of a hotel compared to older travelers.

For more information, read the Travel Weekly article.